Professional Profile

What I Do

  • Fellow Higher Education Academy UK, August 2020. Fellowship reference PR184922.
  • Member of editorial team of International Educational Research, IDEAS SPREAD, NEW YORK, United States
  • Reviewer in International Journal of Intellectual Human Resource Management (IJIHRM), 2020.
  • Managing Editor in International Journal of Intellectual Human Resource Management (IJIHRM)
Research Interest and Selected Publication

Research Interest

Dr. Muskan’s research interest and publications are focused on Human Resource Management, Strategic Human Resource, International Human Resource, Leadership Development, Training and Development, Talent and Performance Management and HRD.

Selected Publication


  • “Effect of Psychological Support from Employers to Employees during COVID- 19 Pandemic in Bahrain, .”, Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, Vol 49.No.1,2022. (Q2 Scopus Index)
  • “Hybrid Classes and its impact on Students- A study in Gulf University, Kingdom of Bahrain.”, Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, Vol 48.No.5, May 2021. (Q2 Scopus Index)
  • “COVID-19 Pandemic and Diffusion of Fake News through Social Media in the Arab World” Arab Media and Society’s Issue 30 Fall/Summer 2020. (Scopus Index)
  • “Impact of Social Media on Consumers Brand Preference for Laptops” Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol 12. No.11 (2021) (Scopus Index)
  • “The Effect Of Talent Management Practices On Employee Performance”, Published In International Journal of Management (IJM), Volume 11, Issue 9, (September 2020). (Scopus Index)
  • “Real Classes Vs Online Classes: A Comparative Study on the Chosen Course of HRM Students of Gulf University, Kingdom of Bahrain”, published in International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning – ISSN: 1863-0383. iJET, Vol. 15, No. 18, 2020 (Scopus Q2).
  • “The Medication Impact of Organizational Commitment on the Total Quality Management Practices and Individual Readiness for TQM Implementation within Yemeni Oil Units” accepted for publication in International Journal for Quality Research. V15,n2. (Q2 Scopus Index)
  • “Reverse Mentoring: A Tool To Develop Future Leaders for Organizations”, published in Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems- JARDCS ISSN: 1943-023X (Scopus indexed journal). Vol.12, 07 –Special Issue, 2020. (Scopus Index)
  • Wrote Newspaper Articles for Bahrain This Week
    1. Pandemic Call for Reverse Mentoring – A Paradigm Shift of Mentors to Mentees Pandemic Call for Reverse Mentoring – A Paradigm Shift of Mentors to Mentees by Dr. Muskan Nagi | Bahrain This Week
    2. 365 Days: 365 Opportunities 365 Days: 365 Opportunities by Dr. Muskan Nagi | Bahrain This Week
  • “Factors Affecting Prevalence of Reverse Mentoring in India”, published in International Journal of Business Management And Marketing, ISSN: 2456-4559, Volume 3 Issue 8, August 2018.
  • “Policy Framework To Develop Food Processing Industry in Haryana” , published in International Journal of Trade and Global Business Perspectives- Pezzottaite Journals, ISSN (P) 2319-9059, (O) 2319-9067, Volume : 4 , Number 1 (January-March, 2015), pp. 1499-1505.
  • “Paradigm Shift In Socio- Culture Environment In India- Need For Changing Human Philosophy”, Published in Socialists Galaxia, , Vol I-2015, ISSN- 2395- 1117.
  • “Strategy for Development of Food Processing Industry in Haryana”, published in Ep Journal of Business Strategy, ISSN No -2393-9648, Vol- 2, Issue-2 , April – June 2014, pp- 27-38.

Contact With Me

Inbio Contact

Dr. Muskan Nagi

Assistant Professor

I am available for work. Connect with me via and call in to my account.

Phone: +973 66344544 Email: